In Ethiopia, people who are handicapped, sick and extremely poor usually seek help from and around churches and monasteries. There is an ancient monastery in Ethiopia called Debre Libanos located about 100 kms from the Capital City Addis Ababa.

A monk, called Aba Kefyalew.who migrated from Harar Region to the Debre Libanos Monastery was initially engaged in raising funds for the construction of churches around the Monastery. While doing so, he observed those poor people who were extremely old; who had mental disabilities of all kinds and children who do not have parents or close relatives. This group of people were passing day and night without shelter, food and clothing around the monastery. They sustain by handouts from willing individuals who were aware of their existence. Since they were living away from the place they could be easily seen, they were not easily visible to ordinary donors.
Aba Kefyelew diverted his engagement of raising funds for the construction of churches, to helping this group of people. Initially he managed to get land that is easily accessible to the public which is located on the main road side on the way to Baher Dar just 100 kms from Addis Ababa. This place is about 5 kms away from the Monastery. The location was very central and strategic. in order to have a legal entity and extend its support to the maximum possible, this informal organization is transformed into a formal non-governmental organization. It is officially called Sewaswe Genet Charity and Development Organization. At the moment this organization has extended its projects from one to five and is struggling to extend its hands to all those who need to be supported. At the same time it is also trying to be sustainable by launching fund generating projects.
With the help of willing individuals, he managed to build few houses made out of local materials and managed to transfer those who were living for years under an extremely difficult situation. The first group was transferred to its newly built houses in June 1995. There were 20 old and 10 mentally sick people in this group. They were provided with basic necessities such as shelter, food and clothing. Outside the gate, promotional words were written to invite interested donors to get inside, see and contribute in kind or in cash to help those who are desperately in need of immediate help to survive. Passersby who either go to the Monastery for prayers or who pass by that road were able to see the condition under which these people were found and made contributions in kind and cash which enabled the organization to extend its hands to others. Through years of hard work the numbers of people supported by this organization has increased.